--- creation date: 2022-01-08 tags: [note,linux,archlinux,fonts] --- Probably you want the following installed: ```shell yay -S \ adobe-source-code-pro-fonts \ awesome-terminal-fonts \ cantarell-fonts \ noto-fonts \ noto-fonts-emoji \ noto-fonts-cjk \ noto-fonts-extra \ terminus-font \ ttf-cascadia-code \ ttf-dejavu \ ttf-font-awesome \ ttf-font-icons \ ttf-liberation \ ttf-opensans \ terminus-font ``` ## Console Install `yay -S terminus-font` if not already done above. Edit `/etc/vconsole.conf`, but depending on your output resolution you might want to have different sizes, e.g. `v16n` for `1080p`, `v22n` for `1440p` and `v32n` for 4K although `v22n` will mostly do for Full HD and WQHD. ```properties KEYMAP=de-latin1-nodeadkeys FONT=ter-v22n ``` To make it available early, add `consolefont` into your `HOOKS=(... consolefont)` of `/etc/mkinitcpio.conf`. ## See Theming of Qt and Gtk See [[KB/Linux/Desktop/ArchLinux/Theming Qt and Gtk]] and allow _Clear Type_ in [[KB/Linux/Desktop/ArchLinux/Tweaks]].