# Firefox Make using the web more safe by disabling commonly used techniques and mechanism _without_ sacrificing usability. Why Firefox? It provides high configurability, is open source and thus better to be reviewed by external security advisories. Based on [https://www.privacy-handbuch.de/handbuch_21.htm](https://www.privacy-handbuch.de/handbuch_21.htm). ## Recommended extensions For the uBlock plugin import the `ublock-config-1.txt` for proper settings. ``` uBlock Origin (ads) HTTPZ or HTTPS Everywhere (automatically redirect to the Secure version of a website) Neat url // removes common parameters from pages (e.g. to identify you with something like ?os=windows&....) Skip Redirect CanvasBlocker // for some JavaScript (web) API Cookie AutoDelete // automatically delete cookies (an extension for a passwordmanager like KeePassXC if needed) (Invidious Redirect to use liberated YouTube if needed) ``` `Skip Redirect` _might_ lead to malfunctioning of some websites. Disable it per page. You can **hide extension icons** in the overflow menu if you like. Just right click the icon in the top right in the menu bar and "pin to overflow". ## Recommended search engines If not possible in another way, you can add them via [Add custom search engine](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/add-custom-search-engine/). Just follow instructions after installing and opening the extension. ``` https://www.qwant.com/?q=%s&r=DE&sr=de&l=en_gb&h=1&s=0&a=1&b=1&vt=0&hc=0&smartNews=0&smartSocial=0&theme=0&i=1&donation=0&qoz=0&shb=0&shl=0 ``` ``` https://duckduckgo.com/?q=%s&ks=l&kav=1&kn=1&kp=-2&kak=-1&kax=-1&kaq=-1&kao=-1&kau=-1&kaj=m&kam=google-maps&k1=-1&kae=c ``` ## Recommended settings How to do it? * Use the provided `user.js` file and copy it into your Firefox profile folder while application is _not_ running. To find your profile folder, click on the menu top right, on `Help -> Troubleshooting Information`. You can directly open your **Profile Directory** from there or see it, typically it's something like `$HOME/.mozilla/firefox/...` or in Windows `%APPDATA%\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\...` * Adjust values by browsing `about:config` in the address bar. `""` means empty, just delete the characters and press ENTER. * Create your own profile and copy it into the application data folder while application is _not_ running. See [https://ffprofile.com](https://ffprofile.com). Some settings _might_ break website behavior although this is not very likely. Be aware of that! Use an external password manager like KeepassXC, at least AutoFill is advised to be disabled). See [https://www.privacy-handbuch.de/handbuch_21j2.htm#08_07_18](https://www.privacy-handbuch.de/handbuch_21j2.htm#08_07_18). ### Common User Preferences Optional, but commonly used to ease browsing. Not security-related. ``` general.smoothScroll = false general.smoothScroll.pages = false mousewheel.min_line_scroll_amount = 40 browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.feeds.topsites = true ``` Optional and **potentially dangerous in terms of website behavior**, for _GNU/Linux only_. ``` image.mem.max_decoded_image_kb = 512000 media.getusermedia.aec_enabled = false media.getusermedia.agc_enabled = false media.getusermedia.noise_enabled = false ``` ## Additional hints Besides securing Firefox, you should consider not using the DNS servers of your Internet provider and instead install system-wide [DNS alternatives](https://www.kuketz-blog.de/empfehlungsecke/#dns) or a [local DNS server](https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Unbound) which directly queries root DNS servers. There's really no downside of this.