{ "api": { "forbidden": "You're not allowed to access this resource", "bad_request": "Bad request: {reason}", "socket_error": "Not a valid host or no internet connection", "socket_timeout": "Request timed out - please ensure your internet connection is stable and that you're connecting to a valid FileBin instance and that it's not under heavy load", "general_rest_error": "An unknown error occurred during communication", "general_rest_error_payload": "An unknown error occurred during communication: {message}" }, "app": { "title": "FileBin Mobile", "unknown_error": "An unknown error occurred, please try again" }, "titles": { "login": "Login", "history": "History", "profile": "Profile", "about": "About", "upload": "Upload" }, "tabs": { "login": "Login", "history": "History", "profile": "Profile", "upload": "Upload" }, "upload": { "open_file_explorer": "Select...", "clear_temporary_files": "Clear", "text_to_be_pasted": "Text...", "upload": "Upload", "uploading_now": "Uploading...", "file_explorer_open": "Selecting files...", "uploaded": "Uploaded! Copied links to clipboard.", "dismiss": "Dismiss", "multipaste": "multipaste", "errors": { "not_found": "Not found" } }, "startup": { "init": "Initializing...", "start_services": "Starting services..." }, "login": { "help": "Login", "compatibility_dialog": { "title": "How to login?", "body": "A FileBin instance >= 3.5.0 and a valid API key with at least access-level 'apikey' is required." }, "url_placeholder": "https://paste.domain.tld", "apikey_placeholder": "API key", "button": "Login", "errors": { "empty_url": "Please provide a FileBin URL", "no_protocol": "URLs need to include a valid protocol like http:// or https://", "invalid_url": "Please provide a valid FileBin URL", "empty_apikey": "Please provide an API key", "wrong_credentials": "Credentials are invalid", "forbidden": "You're not allowed to access this instance" } }, "history": { "no_items": "No pastes found", "filename": "Filename", "id": "ID", "filesize": "Filesize", "link": "Link", "date": "Date", "open_link": "Open in browser", "delete": "Delete permanently", "multipaste_element": "Included as multipaste item", "errors": { "not_found": "No pastes found" }, "delete_dialog": { "title": "Are you sure?", "description": "Paste '{id}' will be deleted permanently.", "accept": "Yes", "deny": "Rather not" } }, "about": { "headline": "Welcome to FileBin mobile!", "description": "This application is a mobile client for FileBin and it's open source. It helps you to manage your pastes.\n\nIn order to use the application, you need access to a FileBin instance and an API key to sign in. It's recommended that the API key has at least 'apikey' access-level.", "contact_us": "Feedback? Issues?", "website": "Main application: https://github.com/Bluewind/filebin\n\nMobile: https://github.com/v4rakh/fbmobile" }, "profile": { "welcome": "Hi!", "connection": "You're currently connected to:\n\nURL: {url}", "config": "Instance configuration:\n\nUpload max size: {uploadMaxSize}\n\nMax files per request: {maxFilesPerRequest}\n\nMax inputs vars: {maxInputVars}\n\nRequest max size: {requestMaxSize}", "reveal_api_key": "Reveal API key", "revealed_api_key": { "title": "API key", "description": "{apiKey}" } }, "logout": { "title": "Logout", "confirm": "Are you sure?", "yes": "Yes", "no": "No" }, "link": { "dialog": { "title": "Link opening failed", "description": "Could not open '{link}'. Please ensure that you have an application installed which handles opening such link types." } }, "dialog": { "confirm": "OK", "cancel": "Cancel" }, "dev": { "no_route": "No route defined for {route}" } }