import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:convert'; import 'dart:io'; import 'package:http/http.dart' as http; import 'package:logger/logger.dart'; import '../../constants.dart'; import '../../core/enums/error_code.dart'; import '../../core/error/rest_service_exception.dart'; import '../../core/error/service_exception.dart'; import '../../core/services/api_error_converter.dart'; import '../models/rest/rest_error.dart'; import '../util/logger.dart'; class Api implements ApiErrorConverter { final Logger _logger = getLogger(); static const String _errorNoConnection = 'No internet connection'; static const String _errorTimeout = 'Request timed out'; static const String _formDataApiKey = 'apikey'; static const String _applicationJson = "application/json"; String _url = ""; String _apiKey = ""; final Map _headers = {"Content-Type": _applicationJson, "Accept": _applicationJson}; Duration _timeout = const Duration(seconds: Constants.apiRequestTimeoutLimit); Future fetch(String route) async { try { _logger .d("Requesting GET API endpoint '${_url + route}' with headers '$_headers' and maximum timeout '$_timeout'"); var response = await http.get(Uri.parse(_url + route), headers: _headers).timeout(_timeout); handleRestErrors(response); return response; } on TimeoutException { throw ServiceException(code: ErrorCode.socketTimeout, message: _errorTimeout); } on SocketException { throw ServiceException(code: ErrorCode.socketError, message: _errorNoConnection); } } Future post(String route, {Map? fields, List? files, Map? additionalFiles}) async { try { var uri = Uri.parse(_url + route); var request = http.MultipartRequest('POST', uri) ..headers['Content-Type'] = _applicationJson ..headers["Accept"] = _applicationJson; if (_apiKey.isNotEmpty) { request.fields[_formDataApiKey] = _apiKey; } if (fields != null && fields.isNotEmpty) { request.fields.addAll(fields as Map); } if (files != null && files.isNotEmpty) { for (var element in files) { request.files.add(await http.MultipartFile.fromPath('file[${files.indexOf(element) + 1}]', element.path)); } } if (additionalFiles != null && additionalFiles.isNotEmpty) { List keys = additionalFiles.keys.toList(); additionalFiles.forEach((key, value) { var index = files != null ? files.length + keys.indexOf(key) + 1 : keys.indexOf(key) + 1; request.files.add(http.MultipartFile.fromString('file[$index]', value, filename: key)); }); } _logger.d("Requesting POST API endpoint '${uri.toString()}' and ${request.files.length} files"); var multiResponse = await request.send(); var response = await http.Response.fromStream(multiResponse); handleRestErrors(response); return response; } on TimeoutException { throw ServiceException(code: ErrorCode.socketTimeout, message: _errorTimeout); } on SocketException { throw ServiceException(code: ErrorCode.socketError, message: _errorNoConnection); } } void setUrl(String url) { _url = url + Constants.apiUrlSuffix; } void removeUrl() { _url = ""; } void setTimeout(Duration timeout) { _timeout = timeout; } void addApiKeyAuthorization(apiKey) { _apiKey = apiKey; } void removeApiKeyAuthorization() { _apiKey = ""; } /// if there's a JSON response body in error case, the RestServiceException will /// have a json decoded object. Replace this with a custom /// conversion method by overwriting the interface if needed void handleRestErrors(http.Response response) { if (response.statusCode != HttpStatus.ok && response.statusCode != HttpStatus.noContent) { if (response.headers.containsKey(HttpHeaders.contentTypeHeader)) { ContentType responseContentType = ContentType.parse(response.headers[HttpHeaders.contentTypeHeader]!); if (ContentType.json.primaryType == responseContentType.primaryType && ContentType.json.subType == responseContentType.subType) { var parsedBody = convert(response); throw RestServiceException(response.statusCode, responseBody: parsedBody); } } throw RestServiceException(response.statusCode); } } @override convert(http.Response response) { return RestError.fromJson(json.decode(response.body)); } }