A simple webinterface for users. This app uses [`admin_rest`](https://github.com/snowblindroan/mod_admin_rest) module of prosody. So [prosody.im](http://prosody.im) is a hard dependency. The interface allows users
* to have two step verification (as an alternative to the integrated `register_web` module),
* Copy `config/env.example` to `config/env` and adjust to your needs
*`composer install`
*`php bin/phpmig migrate`
* start server with `php -S localhost:8080 -t public public/index.php`
* point browser to [localhost:8080](http://localhost:8080) to have a preview
## Deployment ##
* Set up a cron job using `php projectRootDir/bin/UsersAwaitingVerificationCleanUpCronJob.php` to clean up users who signed up but did not verify their account periodically.
This app uses Symfony Translator. It's bootstraped in `Util\BootstrapHelper` and locales are placed under `data/locale/`. Adjust to your needs or help translating.