# README # A simple webinterface for users. This app uses [`admin_rest`](https://github.com/snowblindroan/mod_admin_rest) module of prosody. So [prosody.im](http://prosody.im) and this module are hard dependencies. The interface allows users * to have two step verification (as an alternative to the integrated `register_web` module), * to delete of their accounts and * to change their password. This app uses * Slim Version 3 * Slim Auth * Eloquent ORM * PHPMigration * GUMP Validation * Twig * Curl * PHPMailer * Symfony Translation * Sqlite as dependencies. ## Requirements ## * admin_rest module of prosody * composer * sqlite pdo, mb_string ## Install ## * Install composer * Change directory to project home * Copy `config/env.example` to `config/env` and adjust to your needs * `composer install` * `php bin/phpmig migrate` ## Deployment ## * Set up a cron job using `php projectRootDir/bin/UsersAwaitingVerificationCleanUpCronJob.php` to clean up users who signed up but did not verify their account periodically. * Point your document root to `public/`. * Example nginx conf: root .../public; index index.php; rewrite_log on; location / { try_files $uri $uri/ @ee; } location @ee { rewrite ^(.*) /index.php?$1 last; } # php fpm location ~ \.php$ { fastcgi_split_path_info ^(.+\.php)(/.+)$; fastcgi_pass unix:/var/run/php-fpm/php-fpm.sock; include fastcgi_params; } ## Upgrade ## * Change directory to project home * `git pull` * `composer update` * `php bin/phpmig migrate` * look into Changelog for major changes ## Developers ## * start server with `php -S localhost:8080 -t public public/index.php` * point browser to [localhost:8080](http://localhost:8080) to have a preview ## Translations ## This app uses Symfony Translator. It's bootstraped in `Util\BootstrapHelper` and locales are placed under `data/locale/`. Adjust to your needs or help translating. ## Changelog ## - - Refactor - Bugfixes - Add possibility to determine LogLevel and logger name in environment - - Bugfixes - 0.1.3: - add authentication after sign up - only logged in users can delete their account (with the help of the token) - only logged in users can change their account password - 0.1.2: - Bugfixes - 0.1.1: - updated readme and `env.example` - fix some language validator inconsistencies - added admin notifications - added possibility for users to delete their account - added back index page - works with mod_admin_rest version [afc42d7](https://github.com/snowblindroan/mod_admin_rest/commit/afc42d70f0aceb2351a1bc786d61e3f4dbdfb948) - 0.1: - initial release - works with mod_admin_rest version [afc42d7](https://github.com/snowblindroan/mod_admin_rest/commit/afc42d70f0aceb2351a1bc786d61e3f4dbdfb948)