If you like to help (to translate or implement features), open an issue first. If possible, you should use existing code to implement new features. PRs will be merged after a code review.
Attributes can be defined when including `table`, `keyvalues` and `form` templates of twig. This helps to generate tables and forms without the need to specify all attributes.
hiddenDependingOnAttribute // hides a row depending on a value in a table
hiddenColumns // hides an entire column depending on a key in a table
links // generates a link for a specific cell in a table or keyvalue
additional_links // generates extra columns in a table
filters // applies filters depending on a key in a table or key value view
attributesEditable // define editable attributes in the key value view
- This app uses Symfony Translator. It's bootstrapped in `Util\BootstrapHelper` and locales are placed under `data/locale/`. Adjust to your needs or help translating.
- Form fields (name/id should be the same) are also translated. For a field named `content` or `ConT enT` translate `form_field_content`.
## Theme ##
Themes can be chosen in the `env` file by editing the `theme` variable. Templates are mapped to the corresponding view folder in `src/View/<themeName>`. `.css`, `.js` and other style files like `.ttf` or `.woff2` for fonts should be placed in `public/theme/<themeName>` and accessed accordingly. See an example in `src/View/material/layout/header.twig`.