# README # **ts3web** is a webinterface for any TeamSpeak 3 Server used with serverQuery login. This webinterface aims to be as simple as possible. The minimalistic approach is intentional. If you like to help (to translate or implement features), open an issue first. If possible, you should use existing code to implement new features. PRs will be merged after a code review. Features which are currently not supported: - Permissions Management (except for viewing) - File Management (except for viewing) ## Install ## * Clone repository * Install composer * Change directory to project home * Copy `config/env.example` to `config/env` and adjust to your needs * `composer install` ## Deployment ## * Point your document root to `public/`. * Example `nginx.conf`: ``` root .../public; index index.php; rewrite_log on; location / { try_files $uri $uri/ @ee; } location @ee { rewrite ^(.*) /index.php?$1 last; } # php fpm location ~ \.php$ { fastcgi_split_path_info ^(.+\.php)(/.+)$; fastcgi_pass unix:/var/run/php-fpm/php-fpm.sock; include fastcgi_params; } ``` ## Upgrade ## * Change directory to project home * `git pull` * `composer update` ## Developers ## * start server with `php -S localhost:8080 -t public public/index.php` * point browser to [localhost:8080](http://localhost:8080) to have a preview ### Helpers ### Attributes can be defined when including `table`, `keyvalues` and `form` templates of twig. This helps to generate tables and forms without the need to specify all attributes. ``` hiddenDependingOnAttribute // hides a row depending on a value in a table hiddenColumns // hides an entire column depending on a key in a table links // generates a link for a specific cell in a table or keyvalue additional_links // generates extra columns in a table filters // applies filters depending on a key in a table or key value view attributesEditable // define editable attributes in the key value view fields // define fields for a form ``` See example usage in the folder `View/material`. ## Translations ## - This app uses Symfony Translator. It's bootstrapped in `Util\BootstrapHelper` and locales are placed under `data/locale/`. Adjust to your needs or help translating. - Form fields (name/id should be the same) are also translated. For a field named `content` or `ConT enT` translate `form_field_content`. ## Theme ## Themes can be chosen in the `env` file by editing the `theme` variable. Templates are mapped to the corresponding view folder in `src/View/`. `.css`, `.js` and other style files like `.ttf` or `.woff2` for fonts should be placed in `public/theme/` and accessed accordingly. See an example in `src/View/material/layout/header.twig`.