error.401.content: "Not authorized." error.401.title: "401" error.403.content: "Forbidden. Not allowed to access." error.403.title: "403" error.404.content: "Not found." error.404.title: "404" error.500.content: "Internal application error." error.500.title: "500" login.flash.success: "Logged in as %username% successfully." login.flash.wrong_credentials: "Cannot login. Wrong credentials." login.form.button: "Sign in" "Host" login.form.username: "User" login.form.password: "Password" login.form.password.placeholder: "Password" login.form.username.placeholder: "Username" log.internal.application.error: "Internal application error." login.title: "Please login" logout.flash.success: "Logged out successfully." logout.title: "Logout" menu.currentlyloggedin: "%username%" menu.login: "Login" menu.logout: "Logout" "Select a server" menu.servers.deselect: "Deselect server" mismatch: "There is no validation rule for %field%." no_entities.message: "Nothing to show." validate_alpha_dash: "The %field% field may only contain alpha characters and dashes." validate_alpha_numeric: "The %field% field may only contain alpha-numeric characters." validate_alpha: "The %field% field may only contain alpha characters(a-z)." validate_boolean: "The %field% field may only contain a true or false value." validate_contains: "The %field% field needs to contain one of these values: %param%." validate_date: "The %field% field needs to be a valid date." validate_default: "Field (%field%) is invalid due to an unknown reason (message missing)." validate_equals: "%field% not equal to %param%." validate_exact_len: "The %field% field needs to be exactly %param% characters in length." validate_float: "The %field% field may only contain a float value." validate_integer: "The %field% field may only contain a numeric value." validate_max_len: "The %field% field needs to be shorter than %param% characters." validate_max_numeric: "The %field% field needs to be a numeric value, equal to, or lower than %param%." validate_min_len: "The %field% field needs to be longer than %param% characters." validate_min_numeric: "The %field% field needs to be a numeric value, equal to, or higher than %param%." validate_numeric: "The %field% field may only contain numeric characters." validate_required: "The %field% field is required." validate_set_min_len: "%field% needs to have at least %param% item(s)." validate_street_address: "The %field% field needs to be a valid street address." validate_url_exists: "The %field% URL does not exist." validate_valid_cc: "The %field% field needs to contain a valid credit card number." validate_valid_email: "The %field% field is required to be a valid email address." validate_valid_ip: "The %field% field needs to contain a valid IP address." validate_valid_json_string: "Field %field% has to be valid JSON." validate_valid_name: "The %field% field needs to contain a valid human name." validate_valid_url: "The %field% field is required to be a valid URL." # # teamspeak # # menu menu.instance: "Instance" menu.servers: "Servers" menu.logs: "Instance Log" menu.profile: "Profile" "Info" "Online" menu.servers.channels: "Channels" menu.servers.clients: "Clients" menu.servers.groups: "Groups" menu.servers.bans: "Bans" menu.servers.complains: "Complains" menu.servers.passwords: "Passwords" menu.servers.tokens: "Tokens" menu.servers.snapshots: "Snapshots" menu.servers.logs: "Log" # titles instance.title: "Instance" servers.title: "Servers" logs.title: "Latest 100 Log Entries" server_info.title: "Server Info" online.title: "Online Clients" online_info.title: "Online Info" client_info.title: "Client Info" channels.title: "Channels" channel_info.title: "Channel Info" clients.title: "Clients" bans.title: "Bans" complains.title: "Complains" groups.title: "Groups" servergroup_info.title: "Server Group Info" channelgroup_info.title: "Channelgroup" profile.title: "Profile" tokens.title: "Tokens" snapshots.title: "Snapshots" passwords.title: "Passwords" # dynamic render of key value pairs key: "Attribute" value: "Value" done: "Done." added: "Added." removed: "Removed." # attributes from ts3admin # profile profile.h.details: "Details" profile.h.credentials: "Credentials" profile_credentials.change: "Generate a new password for serverQuery login." profile_credentials.changed.success: "Changed password to %password%" # instance edit instance_edit.edited.success: "Edited instance." # servers servers.noneselected: "Cannot find server." servers.start: "Start" servers.stop: "Stop" "Select" servers.delete: "Delete" servers.started.success: "Started virtual server %sid%." servers.stopped.success: "Stopped virtual server %sid%." servers.sent.success: "Sent message to virtual server %sid%." servers.h.details: "Details" servers.h.create: "Create" # server create server_create.label: "Create a new virtual server" server_create.VIRTUALSERVER_NAME: "Name" server_create.VIRTUALSERVER_PASSWORD: "Password (leave blank if not required)" server_create.VIRTUALSERVER_PORT: "Port" server_create.VIRTUALSERVER_MAXCLIENTS: "Maxclients" server_create.created.success: "Created virtual server. Join the server and claim admin with the following token: %token%" # server edit server_edit.edited.success: "Edited virtual server %sid%." # server info server_info.h.actions: "Actions" server_info.h.details: "Details" server_info.h.uploads: "Uploads" server_info.send: "Send a message" server_info.send.message: "Message" # channels channels.delete: "Delete" channels.h.actions: "Actions" channels.h.details: "Details" channels.create: "Create a channel" channels.create.channel_name: "Name" channels.create.channel_order: "Order" channels.create.semi_permanent: "Semi permanent" channels.create.permanent: "Permanent" channels.create.inherit: "Has a parent?" channels.create.parent: "Parent" # channel info channel_info.h.files: "Files" channel_info.h.actions: "Actions" channel_info.h.details: "Details" channel_info.h.clients: "Clients" channel_info.send: "Send a message" channel_info.send.message: "Message" channel_info.client: "Client" channel_info.files.delete: "Delete" # groups groups.delete: "Delete" groups.h.servergroups: "Server Groups" groups.h.channelgroups: "Channel Groups" # groups create/copy groups.create: "Create or copy" "Name" groups.create.type: "Type" groups.create.copy: "Copy? If checked, select a template." groups.create.template: "Template" # channelgroups channelgroups.delete: "Delete" # channelgroup info channelgroup_info.h.clients: "Clients" channelgroup_info.h.permissions: "Permissions" channelgroup_info.remove: "Remove" channelgroup_info.client: "Client" "Channel" # server group info servergroup_info.h.clients_add: "Add" servergroup_info.h.clients: "Clients" servergroup_info.h.permissions: "Permissions" servergroup_info.remove: "Remove" servergroup_info.add: "Add a client" servergroup_info.add.cldbid: "Client Database Id" # clients clients.delete: "Delete" # client info client_info.h.actions: "Actions" client_info.h.details: "Details" client_info.h.servergroups: "Server Groups" client_info.h.channelgroups: "Channel Groups" client_info.h.permissions: "Permissions" client_info.ban: "Ban" client_info.ban.reason: "Reason" client_info.ban.time: "Time (in seconds, 0 = permanent)" client_info.banned.success: "Banned client %cldbid%." client_info.send: "Send a message" client_info.send.subject: "Subject" client_info.send.message: "Message" client_info.sent.success: "Sent message to client %cldbid%." "Channel" client_info.channelgroup: "Channelgroup" # online info online_info.h.actions: "Actions" online_info.h.details: "Details" # bans bans.delete: "Delete" # complains complains.delete: "Delete" # online online.move: "Move" "Channel" online.move.channel_password: "Channel password" online.moved.success: "Moved client %clid%." online.kick: "Kick" online.kick.reason: "Reason" online.poke: "Poke" online.poke.message: "Message" online.ban: "Ban" online.ban.reason: "Reason" online.ban.time: "Time (in seconds, 0 = permanent)" online.send: "Send a message" online.send.message: "Message" online.poked.success: "Poked client %clid%." online.kicked.success: "Kicked client %clid%." online.banned.success: "Banned client %clid%." online.client: "Client" "Channel" # tokens tokens.delete: "Delete" tokens.h.details: "Details" tokens.h.add: "Add" tokens.add: "Add a token" tokens.add.tokentype: "Type" tokens.add.serverGroup: "Servergroup (type SERVER has to be selected)" tokens.add.channelGroup: "Channelgroup (type CHANNEL has to be selected)" "Channel (type CHANNEL has to be selected)" tokens.add.description: "Description" # snapshots file.exists: "File already exists" file.notexists: "File does not exist" snapshots.h.actions: "Actions" snapshots.create: "Create a new snapshot" snapshots.h.details: "Details" snapshots.deploy: "Deploy" snapshots.delete: "Delete" # passwords passwords.h.actions: "Actions" passwords.h.details: "Details" passwords.add: "Add a temporary password" passwords.add.password: "Password" passwords.add.duration: "Duration (in seconds)" passwords.add.description: "Description" "Channel (user joins)" passwords.add.channel_password: "Channelpassword" # about about.header: "About %name%" about.body: | ts3web is a web interface for one TeamSpeak 3 Server. It's using serverquery to login. This web interface aims to be as simple as possible. The minimalistic approach is intentional. Feel free to submit pull requests if you like to help. More information are here: