error.401.content: "Not authorized." error.401.title: "401" error.403.content: "Forbidden. Not allowed to access." error.403.title: "403" error.404.content: "Not found." error.404.title: "404" error.500.content: "Internal application error." error.500.title: "500" login.flash.success: "Logged in as %username% successfully." login.flash.wrong_credentials: "Cannot login. Wrong credentials." login.form.button: "Sign in" "Host" login.form.username: "User" login.form.password: "Password" login.form.password.placeholder: "Password" login.form.username.placeholder: "Username" log.internal.application.error: "Internal application error." login.title: "Please login" logout.flash.success: "Logged out successfully." logout.title: "Logout" menu.currentlyloggedin: "%username%" menu.login: "Login" menu.logout: "Logout" "Select a server" menu.servers.deselect: "Deselect server" mismatch: "There is no validation rule for %field%." no_entities.message: "Nothing to show." validate_alpha_dash: "The %field% field may only contain alpha characters and dashes." validate_alpha_numeric: "The %field% field may only contain alpha-numeric characters." validate_alpha: "The %field% field may only contain alpha characters(a-z)." validate_boolean: "The %field% field may only contain a true or false value." validate_contains: "The %field% field needs to contain one of these values: %param%." validate_date: "The %field% field needs to be a valid date." validate_default: "Field (%field%) is invalid due to an unknown reason (message missing)." validate_equals: "%field% not equal to %param%." validate_exact_len: "The %field% field needs to be exactly %param% characters in length." validate_float: "The %field% field may only contain a float value." validate_integer: "The %field% field may only contain a numeric value." validate_max_len: "The %field% field needs to be shorter than %param% characters." validate_max_numeric: "The %field% field needs to be a numeric value, equal to, or lower than %param%." validate_min_len: "The %field% field needs to be longer than %param% characters." validate_min_numeric: "The %field% field needs to be a numeric value, equal to, or higher than %param%." validate_numeric: "The %field% field may only contain numeric characters." validate_required: "The %field% field is required." validate_set_min_len: "%field% needs to have at least %param% item(s)." validate_street_address: "The %field% field needs to be a valid street address." validate_url_exists: "The %field% URL does not exist." validate_valid_cc: "The %field% field needs to contain a valid credit card number." validate_valid_email: "The %field% field is required to be a valid email address." validate_valid_ip: "The %field% field needs to contain a valid IP address." validate_valid_json_string: "Field %field% has to be valid JSON." validate_valid_name: "The %field% field needs to contain a valid human name." validate_valid_url: "The %field% field is required to be a valid URL." # # teamspeak # # menu menu.instance: "Instance" menu.servers: "Servers" menu.logs: "Logs" menu.profile: "Profile" "Info" "Online" menu.servers.channels: "Channels" menu.servers.clients: "Clients" menu.servers.groups: "Groups" menu.servers.bans: "Bans" menu.servers.complains: "Complains" menu.servers.passwords: "Passwords" menu.servers.tokens: "Tokens" menu.servers.snapshots: "Snapshots" menu.servers.logs: "Log" # titles instance.title: "Instance" servers.title: "Servers" server_info.title: "Server Info" online.title: "Online Clients" online_info.title: "Online Info" client_info.title: "Client Info" channels.title: "Channels" channel_info.title: "Channel Info" clients.title: "Clients" bans.title: "Bans" complains.title: "Complains" groups.title: "Groups" servergroup_info.title: "Server Group Info" channelgroup_info.title: "Channelgroup" profile.title: "Profile" tokens.title: "Tokens" snapshots.title: "Snapshots" passwords.title: "Passwords" instance_logs.title: "Instance log: latest 100 entries" server_logs.title: "Server log: latest 100 entries" app_log.title: "Application log" # dynamic render of key value pairs key: "Attribute" value: "Value" done: "Done." added: "Added." removed: "Removed." # attributes from ts3admin # profile profile.h.details: "Details" profile.h.credentials: "Credentials" profile_credentials.change: "Generate a new password for serverQuery login." profile_credentials.changed.success: "Changed password to %password%" # instance edit instance_edit.edited.success: "Edited instance." # servers servers.noneselected: "Cannot find server." servers.start: "Start" servers.stop: "Stop" "Select" servers.delete: "Delete" servers.started.success: "Started virtual server %sid%." servers.stopped.success: "Stopped virtual server %sid%." servers.sent.success: "Sent message to virtual server %sid%." servers.h.details: "Details" servers.h.create: "Create" # server create server_create.label: "Create a new virtual server" server_create.VIRTUALSERVER_NAME: "Name" server_create.VIRTUALSERVER_PASSWORD: "Password (leave blank if not required)" server_create.VIRTUALSERVER_PORT: "Port" server_create.VIRTUALSERVER_MAXCLIENTS: "Maxclients" server_create.created.success: "Created virtual server. Join the server and claim admin with the following token: %token%" # server edit server_edit.edited.success: "Edited virtual server %sid%." # server info server_info.h.actions: "Actions" server_info.h.details: "Details" server_info.h.uploads: "Uploads" server_info.send: "Send a message" server_info.send.message: "Message" # channels channels.delete: "Delete" channels.h.actions: "Actions" channels.h.details: "Details" channels.create: "Create a channel" channels.create.channel_name: "Name" channels.create.channel_order: "Order" channels.create.semi_permanent: "Semi permanent" channels.create.permanent: "Permanent" channels.create.inherit: "Has a parent?" channels.create.parent: "Parent" # channel info channel_info.h.files: "Files" channel_info.h.actions: "Actions" channel_info.h.details: "Details" channel_info.h.clients: "Current clients" channel_info.send: "Send a message" channel_info.send.message: "Message" channel_info.client: "Client" channel_info.files.delete: "Delete" channel_info.files.h.path: "Path" channel_info.files.h.type: "Type" channel_info.files.h.size: "Size" channel_info.files.h.datetime: "Datetime" channel_info.files.h.delete: "Delete" channel_info.files.delete.success: "Deleted %file%." # groups groups.delete: "Delete" groups.h.servergroups: "Server Groups" groups.h.channelgroups: "Channel Groups" groups.servergroup: "Server Group" groups.channelgroup: "Channel Group" # groups create/copy groups.create: "Create or copy" "Name" groups.create.type: "Type" groups.create.copy: "Copy? If checked, select a template." groups.create.template: "Template" # channelgroups channelgroups.delete: "Delete" # channelgroup info channelgroup_info.h.clients: "Clients" channelgroup_info.h.permissions: "Permissions" channelgroup_info.remove: "Remove" channelgroup_info.client: "Client" "Channel" # server group info servergroup_info.h.clients_add: "Add" servergroup_info.h.clients: "Clients" servergroup_info.h.permissions: "Permissions" servergroup_info.remove: "Remove" servergroup_info.add: "Add a client" servergroup_info.add.cldbid: "Client Database Id" # clients clients.delete: "Delete" # client info client_info.h.actions: "Actions" client_info.h.details: "Details" client_info.h.servergroups: "Server Groups" client_info.h.channelgroups: "Channel Groups" client_info.h.permissions: "Permissions" client_info.ban: "Ban" client_info.ban.reason: "Reason" client_info.ban.time: "Time (in seconds, 0 = permanent)" client_info.banned.success: "Banned client %cldbid%." client_info.send: "Send a message" client_info.send.subject: "Subject" client_info.send.message: "Message" client_info.sent.success: "Sent message to client %cldbid%." "Channel" client_info.channelgroup: "Channelgroup" # online info online_info.h.actions: "Actions" online_info.h.details: "Details" # bans bans.delete: "Delete" # complains complains.delete: "Delete" # online online.move: "Move" "Channel" online.move.channel_password: "Channel password" online.moved.success: "Moved client %clid%." online.kick: "Kick" online.kick.reason: "Reason" online.poke: "Poke" online.poke.message: "Message" online.ban: "Ban" online.ban.reason: "Reason" online.ban.time: "Time (in seconds, 0 = permanent)" online.send: "Send a message" online.send.message: "Message" online.poked.success: "Poked client %clid%." online.kicked.success: "Kicked client %clid%." online.banned.success: "Banned client %clid%." online.client: "Client" "Channel" # tokens tokens.delete: "Delete" tokens.h.details: "Details" tokens.h.add: "Add" tokens.add: "Add a token" tokens.add.tokentype: "Type" tokens.add.serverGroup: "Servergroup (type SERVER has to be selected)" tokens.add.channelGroup: "Channelgroup (type CHANNEL has to be selected)" "Channel (type CHANNEL has to be selected)" tokens.add.description: "Description" # snapshots file.exists: "File already exists" file.notexists: "File does not exist" snapshots.h.actions: "Actions" snapshots.create: "Create a new snapshot" snapshots.h.details: "Details" snapshots.deploy: "Deploy" snapshots.delete: "Delete" snapshots.error.create: "An error occurred when creating a snapshot. Please view the application log." snapshots.error.delete: "An error occurred when deleting a snapshot. Please view the application log." snapshots.error.deploy: "An error occurred when deploying a snapshot. Please view the application log." # passwords passwords.h.actions: "Actions" passwords.h.details: "Details" passwords.add: "Add a temporary password" passwords.add.password: "Password" passwords.add.duration: "Duration (in seconds)" passwords.add.description: "Description" "Channel (user joins)" passwords.add.channel_password: "Channelpassword" "Channel"