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This repository has been archived on 2023-09-27. You can view files and clone it, but cannot push or open issues or pull requests.
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2021-02-07 14:46:40 +01:00
bin initial commit 2018-04-03 13:56:20 +02:00
cache initial commit 2018-04-03 13:56:20 +02:00
config Prepare next dev cycle 2020-03-22 13:45:04 +01:00
data Update translation 2019-08-07 17:56:25 +02:00
docker Prepare 2.2.2 release 2020-03-22 13:41:45 +01:00
log initial commit 2018-04-03 13:56:20 +02:00
public Prepare 2.2.2 release 2020-03-22 13:41:45 +01:00
src Prepare 2.2.2 release 2020-03-22 13:41:45 +01:00
.gitignore Add snapshots 2018-04-06 13:36:08 +02:00 Prepare 2.2.2 release 2020-03-22 13:41:45 +01:00
composer.json Prepare for 2.2.0 Release: 2019-11-10 15:34:32 +01:00
LICENSE.txt Add license which is valid for also all previous releases 2019-09-25 15:33:04 +02:00 Adapt README 2021-02-07 14:46:40 +01:00


ts3web is a free and open-source web interface for TeamSpeak 3 instances.

The minimalistic approach of this application is intentional.

There are many TeamSpeak 3 web interfaces out. Why should I pick ts3web? Free, simple, stateless, easy to extend, standard bootstrap theme.


Questions? Here you'll hopefully get the answer. Feel free to read before starting.

I always get flood client message when clicking anywhere in the web interface.

ts3web makes heavy use of query commands. When your instance is up and running, you should be able to change serverinstance_serverquery_flood_commands to a high value, e.g. 100 and serverinstance_serverquery_flood_time to 1 which is enough.

I always get TSException: Error: host isn't a ts3 instance! when selecting a server.

You probably got query banned from your server. You need to properly define your whitelist.txt file and include it in your TeamSpeak application.

I always get no write permissions or something similar when trying to save snapshots or when a log entry is created.

This probably happens when you're in the docker setup. Ensure that host binds have permissions set up properly. The user which is used in the docker container is www-data with id 82. If, e.g. logs are host bound, then execute chown -R 82:82 host/path/to/log. The same holds true for snapshots.


The main configuration file for the web interface is the env file located in config/. There's an example file called env.example which you need to copy to config/env. Defaults will assume you're running your TeamSpeak server on localhost with default port. Docker deployments can and should host bind this file into the container directly and just maintain the env file.


The application can be deployed two different ways. See below for more information. For each deployment type a running TeamSpeak 3 instance is a prerequisite.

In the docker-compose.yml example, a setup together with a teamspeak server instance is shown.


Important. Read before setup!

  1. Setup write permissions if you're using host binds
  2. Ensure that you set flood commands to a higher value in your TeamSpeak.
  3. Use a whitelist.txt to ensure the web interface will not be query banned
  4. Be aware that the web interface will not be able to use localhost as TeamSpeak 3 server address because it's not available in a docker container. The public address also has to match the environment variable teamspeak_host=your-public-address within the env file.

docker run

The following section outlines a manual setup. Feel free to use the provided docker-compose.yml as quick setup.

  1. Create docker volumes for snapshots, log and env. Alternative is to host bind them into your containers.
  2. Create a docker network with a fixed IP range or later use host network.
  3. Depending on your setup, you need to change teamspeak_host of your env file to point either to your IP or to a fixed docker IP which your teamspeak uses. localhost is not valid if you're using it in docker. If you're unsure, please take a look at the example docker-compose.yml files.
  4. Start a container using the docker image varakh/ts3web and provide the following bindings for volumes:
    • {env_file_volume|host_file}:/var/www/html/application/config/env
    • {snapshot_volume|host_folder}:/var/www/html/application/data/snapshots
    • {log_volume|host_folder}:/var/www/html/application/log
  5. Ensure that you're whitelisting the IP from which the webinterface will issue commands.
  6. Run the docker run command including your settings, volumes and networks (if any): docker run --name teamspeak_web -v ./env:/var/www/html/application/config/env -p 8181:80 varakh/ts3web:latest.


In order for TeamSpeak to show correct IP and country flags, the network_mode = "host" is advised. It's also possible to set everything up without using the host network mode and use fixed IPs.

The examples will use host binds for volumes. Feel free to adapt the docker-compose.yml template and use docker volumes instead if you like.

Ensure to apply permissions for volumes though.

With 'host' mode

version: '2.1'
    external: false
    container_name: teamspeak_app
    image: teamspeak:latest
      - ./ts3server:/var/ts3server
      - ./whitelist.txt:/whitelist.txt
      - 10011:10011
      - 30033:30033
      - 9987:9987/udp
      - TS3SERVER_LICENSE=accept
      - TS3SERVER_IP_WHITELIST=/whitelist.txt
    restart: always
    network_mode: "host"
    container_name: teamspeak_web
    image: teamspeak_web:latest
      - ./env:/var/www/html/application/config/env
      - ./snapshots:/var/www/html/application/data/snapshots
      - ./log:/var/www/html/application/log
      - app
    restart: always
      - teamspeak

Without 'host' mode

version: '2.1'
    driver: bridge
       - subnet:

    container_name: teamspeak_app
    image: teamspeak:latest
      - ./ts3server:/var/ts3server
      - ./whitelist.txt:/whitelist.txt
      - TS3SERVER_LICENSE=accept
      - TS3SERVER_IP_WHITELIST=/whitelist.txt
    restart: always
     - 10011:10011
     - 30033:30033
     - 9987:9987/udp
    container_name: teamspeak_web
    image: varakh/ts3web:latest
      - ./env:/var/www/html/application/config/env
      - ./snapshots:/var/www/html/application/data/snapshots
      - ./log:/var/www/html/application/log
      - app
    restart: always


The following illustrates a valid whitelist.txt file which can be used for the above docker-compose setups. You need to replace your-public-ip with the TeamSpeak's public IP address if required or remove the fixed internal docker IP if you're on 'host' mode.

Now execute docker-compose up -d to start those containers. If you like to update, do docker-compose down, docker-compose pull and then docker-compose up -d again.

Your TeamSpeak 3 Server will be available under public-server-ip:9987. The web interface will be available on You need to add a reverse proxy and probably you also want SSL configured if you expose it via domain. For testing purposes, change - to - 8181:80. The web interface will then be available under public-server-ip:8181.

This is not recommended! Secure your setup properly via reverse proxy and SSL.

As native PHP application

Prerequisite: php, composer and probably php-fpm installed on the server.


  • Clone repository
  • Change directory to project home
  • Execute composer install
  • composer install
  • Do the configuration by coping the env.example file (see information above)
  • Use a web server or run directly via the embedded PHP server: php -S localhost:8080 -t public public/index.php.
  • Point your browser to localhost:8080
  • Apply any whitelist.txt changes if you configured teamspeak_host differently than localhost


  • Change directory to project home
  • git pull
  • composer update

Reverse proxy

Here's an example on how to configure a reverse proxy for the web interface docker container

root   .../public;
index index.php;   

# enable and setup if you have a certificate (highly recommended)
#ssl on;
#ssl_certificate fullchain.pem;
#ssl_certificate_key privkey.pem; 

rewrite_log on;

location / {
  try_files $uri $uri/ @ee;

location @ee {
  rewrite ^(.*) /index.php?$1 last;

# php fpm
location ~ \.php$ {
  fastcgi_split_path_info ^(.+\.php)(/.+)$;
  fastcgi_pass   unix:/var/run/php-fpm/php-fpm.sock;
  include        fastcgi_params;


TeamSpeak has a detailed interface for permissions and uploading files, therefore the following features are not supported:

  • uploading files (only viewing and deleting, use the official client for uploading)
  • editing permissions (only viewing, use the client for editing)


If you're willing to contribute, here's some information.


  • Set a date in the file
  • Remove SNAPSHOT from the version in Constants.php
  • Build the docker image from the project
    • if necessary, add GitHub access token to let composer pull dependencies within the image correctly: add && composer config --global --auth <token> \ before the composer install command, where <token> can be retrieved from GitHub settings
    • execute docker build -t varakh/ts3web:latest -t varakh/ts3web:<releaseTag> -f docker/Dockerfile . to build
    • publish it
  • Tag the release git commit and create a new release in the VCS web interface

Prepare next development cycle

  1. Branch from master to release/prepare-newVersionNumber
  2. Add -SNAPSHOT to the version in Constants.php and increase it
  3. Merge this branch to patch or/and dev respectively
  4. Don't forget to clean up all created branches


Attributes can be defined when including table, keyvalues and form templates of twig. This helps to generate tables and forms without the need to specify all attributes.

hiddenDependingOnAttribute // hides a row depending on a value in a table
hiddenColumns // hides an entire column depending on a key in a table
links // generates a link for a specific cell in a table or keyvalue
additional_links // generates extra columns in a table
filters // applies filters depending on a key in a table or key value view
attributesEditable // define editable attributes in the key value view
fields // define fields for a form

See example usage in the folder View/bootstrap4.


  • This app uses Symfony Translator. It's bootstrapped in Util\BootstrapHelper and locales are placed under data/locale/ and the data table .json file, e.g. en_dataTable.json. Adjust to your needs or help translating.
  • Form fields (name/id should be the same) are also translated. For a field named content or ConT enT translate form_field_content.


Themes can be chosen in the env file by editing the theme variable. Templates are mapped to the corresponding view folder in src/View/<themeName>. .css, .js and other style files like .ttf or .woff2 for fonts should be placed in public/theme/<themeName> and accessed accordingly. See an example in src/View/boostrap4/layout.twig.