| `TZ` | The time zone (**recommended** to set it properly, background tasks depend on it) | Defaults to `Europe/Berlin`, can be any time zone according to _tz database_ |
| `ADMIN_USER` | Admin user name for login | Not set by default, you need to explicitly set it to user name |
| `ADMIN_PASSWORD` | Admin password for login | Not set by default, you need to explicitly set it to a secure random |
| | | |
| `DB_TYPE` | The database type (Postgres is **recommended**) | Defaults to `sqlite`, possible values are `sqlite` or `postgres` |
| `DB_SQLITE_FILE` | Path to the SQLITE file | Defaults to `<XDG_DATA_DIR>/upda/upda.db`, e.g. `~/.local/share/upda/upda.db` |
| `DB_POSTGRES_HOST` | The postgres host | Postgres host address, defaults to `localhost` |
| `DB_POSTGRES_PORT` | The postgres port | Postgres port, defaults to `5432` |
| `DB_POSTGRES_NAME` | The postgres database name | Postgres database name, needs to be set |
| `DB_POSTGRES_TZ` | The postgres time zone | Postgres time zone settings, defaults to `Europe/Berlin` |
| `DB_POSTGRES_USER` | The postgres user | Postgres user name, needs to be set |
| `DB_POSTGRES_PASSWORD` | The postgres password | Postgres user password, needs to be set |
| | | |
| `SERVER_PORT` | Port | Defaults to `8080` |
| `SERVER_LISTEN` | Server's listen address | Defaults to empty which equals `` |
| `SERVER_TLS_ENABLED` | If server uses TLS | Defaults `false` |
| `SERVER_TLS_CERT_PATH` | When TLS enabled, provide the certificate path | |
| `SERVER_TLS_KEY_PATH` | When TLS enabled, provide the key path | |
| `SERVER_TIMEOUT` | Timeout the server waits before shutting down to end any pending tasks | Defaults to `1s` (1 second), qualifier can be `s = second`, `m = minute`, `h = hour` prefixed with a positive number |
| `CORS_ALLOW_ORIGIN` | CORS configuration | Defaults to `*` |
| `CORS_ALLOW_METHODS` | CORS configuration | Defaults to `GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE, OPTIONS` |
| `CORS_ALLOW_HEADERS` | CORS configuration | Defaults to `Authorization, Content-Type` |
| | | |
| `LOGGING_LEVEL` | Logging level. Possible are `debug`, `info`, `warn`, `error`, `dpanic`, `panic`, `fatal` | Defaults to `info` |
| | | |
| `WEBHOOKS_TOKEN_LENGTH` | The length of the token | Defaults to `16`, positive number |
| | | |
| `TASK_UPDATE_CLEAN_STALE_ENABLED` | If background task should run to do housekeeping of stale (ignored/approved) updates from the database | Defaults to `false` |
| `TASK_UPDATE_CLEAN_STALE_INTERVAL` | Interval at which a background task does housekeeping by deleting stale (ignored/approved) updates from the database | Defaults to `1h` (1 hour), qualifier can be `s = second`, `m = minute`, `h = hour` prefixed with a positive number |
| `TASK_UPDATE_CLEAN_STALE_MAX_AGE` | Number defining at which age stale (ignored/approved) updates are deleted by the background task (_updatedAt_ attribute decides) | Defaults to `168h` (168 hours = 1 week), qualifier can be `s = second`, `m = minute`, `h = hour` prefixed with a positive number |
| `TASK_EVENT_CLEAN_STALE_ENABLED` | If background task should run to do housekeeping of stale (old) events from the database | Defaults to `false` |
| `TASK_EVENT_CLEAN_STALE_INTERVAL` | Interval at which a background task does housekeeping by deleting stale (old) events from the database | Defaults to `8h` (8 hours), qualifier can be `s = second`, `m = minute`, `h = hour` prefixed with a positive number |
| `TASK_EVENT_CLEAN_STALE_MAX_AGE` | Number defining at which age stale (old) events are deleted by the background task (_updatedAt_ attribute decides) | Defaults to `2190h` (2190 hours = 3 months), qualifier can be `s = second`, `m = minute`, `h = hour` prefixed with a positive number |
| `TASK_PROMETHEUS_REFRESH_INTERVAL` | Interval at which a background task updates custom metrics | Defaults to `60s` (60 seconds), qualifier can be `s = second`, `m = minute`, `h = hour` prefixed with a positive number |
| | | |
| `LOCK_REDIS_ENABLED` | If locking via REDIS (multiple instances) is enabled. Requires REDIS. Otherwise uses in-memory locks. | Defaults to `false` |
| `LOCK_REDIS_URL` | If locking via REDIS is enabled, this should point to a resolvable REDIS instance, e.g. `redis://<user>:<pass>@localhost:6379/<db>`. | |
| | | |
| `PROMETHEUS_ENABLED` | If Prometheus metrics are exposed | Defaults to `false` |
| `PROMETHEUS_METRICS_PATH` | Defines the metrics endpoint path | Defaults to `/metrics` |
| `PROMETHEUS_SECURE_TOKEN_ENABLED` | If Prometheus metrics endpoint is protected by a token when enabled (**recommended**) | Defaults to `true` |
| `PROMETHEUS_SECURE_TOKEN` | The token securing the metrics endpoint when enabled (**recommended**) | Not set by default, you need to explicitly set it to a secure random |