package server import ( "fmt" "" "" "" "net/http" "strings" ) func middlewareAppName() gin.HandlerFunc { return func(c *gin.Context) { c.Header(api.HeaderAppName, name) c.Next() } } func middlewareGlobalNotFound() gin.HandlerFunc { return func(c *gin.Context) { c.AbortWithStatusJSON(http.StatusNotFound, api.NewErrorResponseWithStatusAndMessage(string(notFound), "page not found")) return } } func middlewareGlobalMethodNotAllowed() gin.HandlerFunc { return func(c *gin.Context) { c.AbortWithStatusJSON(http.StatusMethodNotAllowed, api.NewErrorResponseWithStatusAndMessage(string(methodNotAllowed), "method not allowed")) return } } func middlewareEnforceJsonContentType() gin.HandlerFunc { return func(c *gin.Context) { if c.Request.Method != http.MethodOptions && !strings.HasPrefix(c.GetHeader(api.HeaderContentType), api.HeaderContentTypeApplicationJson) { c.AbortWithStatusJSON(http.StatusBadRequest, api.NewErrorResponseWithStatusAndMessage(string(illegalArgument), "content-type must be application/json")) return } c.Next() } } func middlewareAppVersion() gin.HandlerFunc { return func(c *gin.Context) { c.Header(api.HeaderAppVersion, commons.Version) c.Next() } } // middlewareErrorHandler handles global error handling, does not overwrite any given status (see -1) func middlewareErrorHandler() gin.HandlerFunc { return func(c *gin.Context) { // call next first, so this is the last in chain c.Next() if len(c.Errors) > 0 { // status -1 doesn't overwrite existing status code c.Header(api.HeaderContentType, api.HeaderContentTypeApplicationJson) c.JSON(-1, api.NewErrorResponseWithStatusAndMessage(errCodeToStr(c.Errors.Last()), c.Errors.Last().Error())) return } } } func middlewareAppErrorRecoveryHandler() gin.HandlerFunc { return func(c *gin.Context) { defer func() { if err := recover(); err != nil { c.AbortWithStatusJSON(http.StatusInternalServerError, api.NewErrorResponseWithStatusAndMessage(string(general), fmt.Sprintf("%s", err))) } }() c.Next() } }