# CHANGELOG Changes adhere to [semantic versioning](https://semver.org). ## [5.0.0] - 2024/12/21 > This is a major version upgrade. Other versions are incompatible with this release. * Drop support for SQLite (only Postgres is supported) * Library updates * Update OCI image base to alpine `3.21` with Go `1.23` * Move away from `npm` to `pnpm` ## [4.0.0] - 2024/10/25 > This is a major version upgrade. Other versions are incompatible with this release. * Embed frontend into Go binary and only ship _one_ OCI image * Switch license to GPLv3 ## [3.0.2] - 2024/06/15 * Don't enforce JSON content type for GET and DELETE requests * Dependency updates * github.com/go-playground/validator/v10 v10.22.0 * gorm.io/driver/postgres v1.5.9 * gorm.io/driver/sqlite v1.5.6 * Fixed filter for Updates ignoring desired state ## [3.0.1] - 2024/06/10 * Fixed finding proper remaining Action invocations by their state ## [3.0.0] - 2024/06/10 > This is a major version upgrade. Other versions are incompatible with this release. * Added automatic detection of `GOMAXPROCS` * Switched to enforce JSON as `Content-Type` for all incoming requests * Switched to properly respond with JSON on page not found or method not allowed * Renamed `CORS_ALLOW_ORIGIN` to `CORS_ALLOW_ORIGINS` * Added `CORS_ALLOW_CREDENTIALS` which defaults to `true` * Added `CORS_EXPOSE_HEADERS` which defaults to `*` * Overhauled package visibility for server module * Updated dependencies * Updated OCI image base to alpine `3.20` with Go `1.22` ## [2.0.1] - 2024/05/01 * Fixed retrieval of encrypted webhook token ## [2.0.0] - 2024/04/28 > This is a major version upgrade. Other versions are incompatible with this release. * Added _Actions_, a simple way to trigger notifications via [shoutrrr](https://containrrr.dev/shoutrrr) which supports secrets * Added new auth mode which allows setting multiple basic auth credentials * Added `AUTH_MODE` which can be one of `basic_single` (_default_) and `basic_credentials` * For `basic_credentials`: added `BASIC_AUTH_CREDENTIALS` which can be used as list of `username1=password1,...` ( comma separated) * For `basic_single`: renamed `ADMIN_USER` and `ADMIN_PASSWORD` to `BASIC_AUTH_USER` and `BASIC_AUTH_PASSWORD` * Added mandatory `SECRET` environment variable to encrypt some data inside the database * Switched to producing events only for _Updates_ * Switched to encrypting webhook tokens in database * Adapted logging which defaults to JSON encoding * Updated dependencies ## [1.0.3] - 2024/01/21 * Updated dependencies ## [1.0.2] - 2023/12/23 * Fix wrong event type being created for update state change ## [1.0.1] - 2023/12/23 * Disable cleaning up stale updates and events by default * Change Prometheus exporter behavior * Return `-1` for deleted updates in Prometheus which are evicted on next application restart * Ignore `PROMETHEUS_METRICS_PATH` (defaults to `/metrics`) in application metrics * Introduce locking for periodic background tasks * Rename `TASK_LOCK_REDIS_ENABLED` to `LOCK_REDIS_ENABLED` which still defaults to `false` (disabled) * Rename `TASK_LOCK_REDIS_URL` to `LOCK_REDIS_URL` ## [1.0.0] - 2023/12/21 * Initial release [5.0.0]: https://git.myservermanager.com/varakh/upda/releases/tag/5.0.0 [4.0.0]: https://git.myservermanager.com/varakh/upda/releases/tag/4.0.0 [3.0.2]: https://git.myservermanager.com/varakh/upda/releases/tag/3.0.2 [3.0.1]: https://git.myservermanager.com/varakh/upda/releases/tag/3.0.1 [3.0.0]: https://git.myservermanager.com/varakh/upda/releases/tag/3.0.0 [2.0.1]: https://git.myservermanager.com/varakh/upda/releases/tag/2.0.1 [2.0.0]: https://git.myservermanager.com/varakh/upda/releases/tag/2.0.0 [1.0.3]: https://git.myservermanager.com/varakh/upda/releases/tag/1.0.3 [1.0.2]: https://git.myservermanager.com/varakh/upda/releases/tag/1.0.2 [1.0.1]: https://git.myservermanager.com/varakh/upda/releases/tag/1.0.1 [1.0.0]: https://git.myservermanager.com/varakh/upda/releases/tag/1.0.0