85 lines
2.4 KiB
85 lines
2.4 KiB
creation date: 2022-01-08
tags: [note,linux,archlinux,install]
1. Install some packages:
pacman -S docker docker-compose pacman-contrib git reflector htop dfc ps_mem nginx certbot nano zsh zsh-syntax-highlighting nano-syntax-highlighting rsync pkgfile ntp inetutils which
2. If you like, install the LTS kernel with `pacman -S linux-lts`
3. Add ssh key to login without a password
4. Change root shell
5. Change root pw
6. Clone dotfiles-system
`git clone https://git.myservermanager.com/alexander.schaeferdiek/dotfiles-system.git` and sync files
7. Set a hostname `hostnamectl set-hostname <name>`
8. Copy `sshd_config` to server and restart sshd `systemctl restart sshd`
9. Disable and uninstall services from image install
systemctl disable --now cloud-config.service cloud-final.service cloud-init-local.service cloud-init.service cronie.service
pacman -Rsnc cronie
10. Adjust pacman config `nano /etc/pacman.conf` and enable `Color, TotalDownload, CheckSpace, VerbosePkgLists` and `multilib`
11. Adjust network config in `/etc/systemd/network` and `/etc/resolv.conf` and `/etc/hosts`
# /etc/hosts: static lookup table for host names
| localhost.localdomain localhost
::1 localhost.localdomain localhost
# End of file
12. Create user _admin_: `useradd --create-home --shell /bin/zsh --home /home/admin --groups wheel admin` and pick a password with `passwd admin`
13. Edit `visudo` file and make `%wheel` work with passwords
14. Install AUR wrapper with `admin`
sudo su admin
mkdir -p packages/yay-bin
cd packages/yay-bin
# paste contents from https://aur.archlinux.org/cgit/aur.git/tree/PKGBUILD?h=yay-bin into the file
makepkg -csi
15. Install some AUR pkgs as `admin`: `reflector-timer`, `inxi`, `ctop-bin`
16. Make reflector and pkgfile work: `systemctl enable --now reflector.timer pkgfile-update.timer`
17. Follow [[KB/Linux/Server/ArchLinux/Security hardening]]
18. Follow [[KB/Linux/Server/ArchLinux/SSH Guard]]
19. Configure root user services for monitoring with `.scriptConfigFile.conf` files.
20. Copy `/root/scripts` to new server.
# copy /etc/mail.rc
pacman -S s-nail
21. **Configure services, e.g. docker, nginx.**
22. Verify everything is working, then reboot. Verify again.