Varakh 9bd4255d00
All checks were successful
/ build (pull_request) Successful in 3m24s
feat(actions): Add support for <VAR>STATE</VAR>
2024-04-26 19:34:07 +02:00

39 KiB


upda - Update Dashboard in Go. Please see motivation and concepts what this application does.

There's also a upda web interface. It's recommended to take a look (at least at the screenshots).

In addition, there's a commandline tool called upda-cli. For more information, download it and run ./upda-cli help for further instructions. This is especially useful, if you have an upda (server) running and like to invoke webhooks from CLI. upda-cli is also bundled in the docker images.

See the deployment instructions for examples on how to deploy upda and upda-ui

The main git repository is hosted at https://git.myservermanager.com/varakh/upda. Other repositories are mirrors and pull requests, issues, and planning are managed there.

Contributions are very welcome!


duin can determine which OCI images have updates available. Argus can query other sources like GitHub and even invoke actions when an update has been found, but there's no convenient way of having one dashboard or source of truth for all of them across different hosts without tinkering with collecting them somewhere in one place. This application is the result of that tinkering. :-)

Managing various application or OCI container image updates can be a tedious task:

  • A lot of hosts to operate with a lot of different applications being deployed
  • A lot of different OCI containers to watch for updated images
  • No convenient dashboard to see and manage all the available updates in one place

upda manages a list of updates with attributes attached to it. For new updates to arrive, upda needs to be called via a webhook call (created within upda) from other applications, such as a bash script, an application like duin or simply by using the upda-cli.

After an update is being tracked, upda provides a convenient way to have everything in one place. In addition, it exposes managed updates as prometheus metrics, so that you can easily build a dashboard in Grafana, or even attach alerts to pending updates via alertmanager.

In addition, you can use upda's UI to manage updates, e.g. approve them when they have been rolled out to a host.

upda is NOT a scraper to watch docker registries or GitHub releases, it simply tracks and consolidates updates from different sources provided via webhooks. If you like to watch GitHub releases, write a scraper and use upda-cli to report back to upda.


  1. Create a webhook in upda.
  2. Use the webhook's URL in a 3rd party application to start tracking an update or use upda-cli to report an update.
  3. Enjoy visualization and state management of tracked updates in one place.
  4. Optionally, define actions for tracked updates as they arrive

upda retrieves new updates when webhooks of upda are invoked, e.g., duin invokes it or any other application which can reach the instance. Tracked updates are unique for the attributes (application,provider,host) which means that subsequent updates for an identical application, provider and host simply updates the version and metadata attributes for that tracked update (regardless if the version or metadata payload actually changed - reasoning behind this is to get reflected metadata updates independent if version attribute has changed).

State management of tracked updates:

  • On first creation, state is set to pending.
  • When an update is in approved state, an invocation for it resets its state to pending.
  • Ignored updates are skipped entirely and no attribute is updated.
The application attribute

The application attribute is an arbitrary identifier, name or label of a subject you like to track, e.g., docker.io/varakh/upda for an OCI image.

The provider attribute

The provider attribute is an arbitrary name or label. During webhook invocation the provider attribute is derived in priority:

For the generic webhook:

  1. If the incoming payload contains a non-blank provider attribute, it's taken from the request.
  2. If the incoming payload contains a blank or missing provider attribute, the issuing webhook's label is taken.

For the diun webhook:

  1. If the issuing webhook's label is blank, then oci is used.
  2. In any other case, the webhook's label is used.

Because the first priority is the issuing webhook's label, setting the same label for all webhooks results in a grouping. Also see the ignore host setting for host below.

Remember that changing a webhook's label won't be reflected in already created/tracked updates!

The host attribute

host should be set to the originating host name a webhook has been issued from. The host attribute can also be "ignored" (a setting in each webhook). If set to ignored, upda sets host to global, thus update versions can be grouped independent of the originating host. If set for all webhooks, you'll end up with a host independent update dashboard.

The version attribute

The version attribute is an arbitrary name or label and subject to change across invocations of webhooks. This can be a version number, a number of total updates, anything.

The metadata attribute

An update can hold any additional metadata information provided by request payload metadata. Metadata can be inspected via web interface or API.


The following environment variables can be used to modify application behavior.

Variable Purpose Default/Description
SECRET A 32 character long secure random secret used for encrypting some data inside the database. When data has been created inside the database, the secret cannot be changed anymore, otherwise decryption fails. Not set by default, you need to explicitly set it, e.g., generate via openssl rand -hex 16
TZ The time zone (recommended to set it properly, background tasks depend on it) Defaults to Europe/Berlin, can be any time zone according to tz database
ADMIN_USER Admin user name for login Not set by default, you need to explicitly set it to user name
ADMIN_PASSWORD Admin password for login Not set by default, you need to explicitly set it to a secure random
DB_TYPE The database type (Postgres is recommended) Defaults to sqlite, possible values are sqlite or postgres
DB_SQLITE_FILE Path to the SQLITE file Defaults to <XDG_DATA_DIR>/upda/upda.db, e.g. ~/.local/share/upda/upda.db
DB_POSTGRES_HOST The postgres host Postgres host address, defaults to localhost
DB_POSTGRES_PORT The postgres port Postgres port, defaults to 5432
DB_POSTGRES_NAME The postgres database name Postgres database name, needs to be set
DB_POSTGRES_TZ The postgres time zone Postgres time zone settings, defaults to Europe/Berlin
DB_POSTGRES_USER The postgres user Postgres user name, needs to be set
DB_POSTGRES_PASSWORD The postgres password Postgres user password, needs to be set
SERVER_PORT Port Defaults to 8080
SERVER_LISTEN Server's listen address Defaults to empty which equals
SERVER_TLS_ENABLED If server uses TLS Defaults false
SERVER_TLS_CERT_PATH When TLS enabled, provide the certificate path
SERVER_TLS_KEY_PATH When TLS enabled, provide the key path
SERVER_TIMEOUT Timeout the server waits before shutting down to end any pending tasks Defaults to 1s (1 second), qualifier can be s = second, m = minute, h = hour prefixed with a positive number
CORS_ALLOW_ORIGIN CORS configuration Defaults to *
CORS_ALLOW_HEADERS CORS configuration Defaults to Authorization, Content-Type
LOGGING_LEVEL Logging level. Possible are debug, info, warn, error, dpanic, panic, fatal. Setting to debug enables high verbosity output. Defaults to info
LOGGING_ENCODING Logging encoding. Possible are console and json Defaults to json
LOGGING_DIRECTORY Logging directory. When set, logs will be added to a file called upda.log in addition to the standard output. Ensure that upda has access permissions. Use an external program for log rotation if desired.
WEBHOOKS_TOKEN_LENGTH The length of the token Defaults to 16, positive number
TASK_UPDATE_CLEAN_STALE_ENABLED If background task should run to do housekeeping of stale (ignored/approved) updates from the database Defaults to false
TASK_UPDATE_CLEAN_STALE_INTERVAL Interval at which a background task does housekeeping by deleting stale (ignored/approved) updates from the database Defaults to 1h (1 hour), qualifier can be s = second, m = minute, h = hour prefixed with a positive number
TASK_UPDATE_CLEAN_STALE_MAX_AGE Number defining at which age stale (ignored/approved) updates are deleted by the background task (updatedAt attribute decides) Defaults to 720h (168 hours = 1 week), qualifier can be s = second, m = minute, h = hour prefixed with a positive number
TASK_EVENT_CLEAN_STALE_ENABLED If background task should run to do housekeeping of stale (old) events from the database Defaults to false
TASK_EVENT_CLEAN_STALE_INTERVAL Interval at which a background task does housekeeping by deleting stale (old) events from the database Defaults to 8h (8 hours), qualifier can be s = second, m = minute, h = hour prefixed with a positive number
TASK_EVENT_CLEAN_STALE_MAX_AGE Number defining at which age stale (old) events are deleted by the background task (updatedAt attribute decides) Defaults to 2190h (2190 hours = 3 months), qualifier can be s = second, m = minute, h = hour prefixed with a positive number
TASK_ACTIONS_ENQUEUE_ENABLED If background task should run to enqueue matching actions derived from events (actions are invocation separately after being enqueued) Defaults to true
TASK_ACTIONS_ENQUEUE_INTERVAL Interval at which a background task does check to enqueue actions Defaults to 10s (10 seconds), qualifier can be s = second, m = minute, h = hour prefixed with a positive number
TASK_ACTIONS_ENQUEUE_BATCH_SIZE Number defining how many unhandled events are processed in a batch by the background task Defaults to 1, must be positive number
TASK_ACTIONS_INVOKE_ENABLED If background task should run to invoke enqueued actions derived Defaults to true
TASK_ACTIONS_INVOKE_INTERVAL Interval at which a background task does check to invoke enqueued actions Defaults to 10s (10 seconds), qualifier can be s = second, m = minute, h = hour prefixed with a positive number
TASK_ACTIONS_INVOKE_BATCH_SIZE Number defining how many enqueued actions are processed in a batch by the background task Defaults to 1, must be positive number
TASK_ACTIONS_INVOKE_MAX_RETRIES Number defining how often actions are invoked in case of an error, if exceeded, those actions are not retried again Defaults to 3, must be positive number
TASK_ACTIONS_CLEAN_STALE_ENABLED If background task should run to do housekeeping of stale (handled, meaning success or error state) actions from the database Defaults to true
TASK_ACTIONS_CLEAN_STALE_INTERVAL Interval at which a background task does housekeeping by deleting stale (handled) actions from the database Defaults to 12h (12 hours), qualifier can be s = second, m = minute, h = hour prefixed with a positive number
TASK_ACTIONS_CLEAN_STALE_MAX_AGE Number defining at which age stale (handled) actions are deleted by the background task (updatedAt attribute decides) Defaults to 720h (720 hours = 30 days), qualifier can be s = second, m = minute, h = hour prefixed with a positive number
TASK_PROMETHEUS_REFRESH_INTERVAL Interval at which a background task updates custom metrics Defaults to 60s (60 seconds), qualifier can be s = second, m = minute, h = hour prefixed with a positive number
LOCK_REDIS_ENABLED If locking via REDIS (multiple instances) is enabled. Requires REDIS. Otherwise uses in-memory locks. Defaults to false
LOCK_REDIS_URL If locking via REDIS is enabled, this should point to a resolvable REDIS instance, e.g. redis://<user>:<pass>@localhost:6379/<db>.
PROMETHEUS_ENABLED If Prometheus metrics are exposed Defaults to false
PROMETHEUS_METRICS_PATH Defines the metrics endpoint path Defaults to /metrics
PROMETHEUS_SECURE_TOKEN_ENABLED If Prometheus metrics endpoint is protected by a token when enabled (recommended) Defaults to true
PROMETHEUS_SECURE_TOKEN The token securing the metrics endpoint when enabled (recommended) Not set by default, you need to explicitly set it to a secure random

3rd party integrations


This is the core mechanism of upda and why it exists. Webhooks are the central piece of how upda gets notified about updates.

In order to configure a 3rd party application like duin to send updates to upda with the duin webhook notification configuration, create a new upda webhook via web interface or via API call.

This gives you

  • a unique upda URL to configure in the notification part of duin, e.g., /api/v1/webhooks/<a unique identifier>
  • a corresponding token for the URL which must be sent as X-Webhook-Token header when calling upda's URL

Expected payload is derived from the type of the webhook which has been created in upda.

Example for duin Webhook notification notif:

        endpoint: https://upda.domain.tld/api/v1/webhooks/ee03cd9e-04d0-4c7f-9866-efe219c2501e
        method: POST
            content-type: application/json
            X-Webhook-Token: <the token from webhook creation in upda>
        timeout: 10s


Actions can be used to invoke arbitrary third party tools when an event occurs, e.g., an update has been created or modified. An action is triggered when its condition meet the action's definition (event name, host, application, provider).

Actions have types. Different types require different payload to set them up. shoutrrr is supported as action type, which can send notifications to a variety of services like Gotify, Ntfy, Teams, OpsGenie and many more.

Supported events are the following:

Event name Description
update_created An update has been created
update_updated An update has been updated (not necessarily its version attribute!)
update_updated_state_pending An update's state changed to pending
update_updated_state_approved An update's state changed to approved
update_updated_state_ignored An update's state changed to ignored
update_deleted An update has been removed

For privacy, an action's configuration supports upda's secrets vault, which means that before an action is triggered, any occurrence of <SECRET>SECRET_KEY</SECRET> is properly replaced by the value of the SECRET_KEY defined inside the vault.

In addition to secrets, upda provides variables which can be used with the <VAR>VARIABLE_NAME</VAR> syntax and any occurrence is replaced before invocation as well.

Variable name Description
<VAR>APPLICATION</VAR> The update's application name invoking the action
<VAR>PROVIDER</VAR> The update's provider name invoking the action
<VAR>HOST</VAR> The update's host invoking the action
<VAR>VERSION</VAR> The update's version (latest) invoking the action
<VAR>STATE</VAR> The update's state invoking the action


shoutrrr supports multiple services directly which can be provided as simple URL, e.g., gotify://gotify.example.com:443/<token>, where <token> can also be provided as secret: gotify://gotify.example.com:443/<SECRET>GOTIFY_TOKEN</SECRET>.

A full payload for defining an upda shoutrrr action looks like the following. No worries, there's a web interface for configuring actions:

    // ...
    "type": "shoutrrr",
    "matchEvent": "update_created",
    // payload 'urls' and 'body' are specific to the shoutrrr action type
    "payload": {
        "urls": [
        "body": "A new update arrived on <VAR>HOST</VAR> for <VAR>APPLICATION</VAR>. Its version is <VAR>VERSION</VAR>."

Prometheus Metrics

When PROMETHEUS_ENABLED is set to true, default metrics about memory utilization, but also custom metrics specific to upda are exposed under the PROMETHEUS_METRICS_PATH endpoint.

A Prometheus scrape configuration might look like the following if PROMETHEUS_SECURE_TOKEN_ENABLED is set to true.

  - job_name: 'upda'
      - targets: ['upda:8080']

Custom exposed metrics are exposed under the upda_ namespace.


# HELP upda_updates_all amount of all updates
upda_updates_all 4
# HELP upda_updates_approved amount of all updates in approved state
upda_updates_approved 2
# HELP upda_updates_ignored amount of all updates in ignored state
upda_updates_ignored 1
# HELP upda_updates_pending amount of all updates in pending state
upda_updates_pending 1
# HELP upda_webhooks amount of all webhooks
upda_webhooks 2
# HELP upda_events amount of all events
upda_events 146
# HELP upda_actions amount of all actions
upda_actions 0

There's an example Grafana dashboard in the _doc/ folder.

Alertmanager could check for the following:

-   name: update_checks
        -   alert: UpdatesAvailable
            expr: upda_updates == 0 and upda_updates_pending > 0
            for: 4w
                severity: high
                class: update
                summary: "Updates available from upda for {{ $labels.job }}"
                description: "Updates available from upda for {{ $labels.job }}"



Use the released binary for your platform or run make clean build-server-{your-platform} and the binary will be placed into the bin/ folder.


For examples how to run, look into deployment instructions which contains examples for docker-compose files.

Build docker image

To build docker images, do the following

docker build --rm --no-cache -t upda:latest .

Development & contribution

  • Ensure to set the following environment variables for proper debug logs during development
  • Code guidelines
    • Each entity has its own repository
    • Each entity is only used in repository and service (otherwise, mapping happens)
    • Presenter layer is constructed from the entity, e.g., in REST responses and mapped
    • No entity is directly returned in any REST response
    • All log calls should be handled by zap.L()
    • Configuration is bootstrapped via separated struct types which are given to the service which need them
    • Error handling
      • Always throw an error with NewServiceError
      • Always wrap the cause error with fmt.Errorf
      • Forward/bubble up the error directly, when original error is already a NewServiceError (most likely internal calls)
      • Always abort handler chain with AbortWithError
      • Utils can throw any error

Please look into the _doc/ folder for OpenAPI specification and a Postman Collection.

Getting started

  1. Run make clean dependencies to fetch dependencies
  2. Start git.myservermanager.com/varakh/upda/cmd/server (or cli) as Go application and ensure to have required environment variables set

If you like to test with PSQL and/or REDIS for task locking, here are some useful docker commands to have containers up and running quickly. Set necessary environment variables properly.

# postgres
docker run --rm --name=upda-db \
  -p 5432:5432 \
  --restart=unless-stopped \
  -e POSTGRES_USER=upda \
  -e POSTGRES_DB=upda \
# redis
docker run --rm --name some-redis \
  -p 6379:6379 \
  redis redis-server --save 60 1 --loglevel warning

Windows hints

On Windows, you need a valid gcc, e.g., https://jmeubank.github.io/tdm-gcc/download/ and add the \bin folder to your path.

For any go command you run, ensure that your PATH has the gcc binary and that you add CGO_ENABLED=1 as environment.


Releases are handled by the SCM platform and pipeline. Creating a new git tag, creates a new release in the SCM platform, uploads produced artifacts to that release and publishes docker images automatically. Before doing so, please ensure that the commit on master has the correct version settings and has been built successfully:

  • Adapt constants_app.go and change Version to the correct version number
  • Adapt CHANGELOG.md to reflect changes and ensure a date is properly set in the header, also add a reference link in footer (link to scm git tag source)
  • Adapt api.yaml: version attribute must reflect the to be released version
  • Adapt env: VERSION_* in .forgejo/workflows/release.yaml

After the release has been created, ensure to change the following settings for the next development cycle:

  • Adapt constants_app.go and change Version to the next version number
  • Adapt CHANGELOG.md and add an UNRELEASED section
  • Adapt api.yaml: version attribute must reflect the next version number
  • Adapt env: VERSION_* in .forgejo/workflows/release.yaml to next version number